The Acorn Fund is an annual fundraiser for Pacific Union College Elementary School, supporting a designated project of the year.
2017-2018 Acorn Fund Project
This year’s project focuses on the Enrichment Programs at PUC. In order to maintain the excellence of these programs, we need extra funding. Please make a donation to our Acorn Fund to help!
Enrichment Programs at PUCE:
Music: Fantastic program that has a choir, and also starts students with stringed instruments and transitions them into band.
Language: Our children receive the benefit of a Spanish program at an early age.
Physical Education: Most schools our size have multiple teachers splitting the duties of PE. At PUCE, we have a nationally-recognized, award-winning teacher, who is committed to instilling a love for exercise and health in our kids.
About the Acorn Fund
When you think of an oak tree, what words come to mind?
The Oak tree has long symbolized strength, stability, and success. It is a powerful symbol for a PUC Elementary. This is place that has provided Angwin with a Christ-centered, values-based education for more than 100 years. PUCE has deep roots. A sense of security. And it is an enduring presence in our community.
Now we want to ensure that our school continues to thrive through the establishment of the Acorn Fund.
While the oak is mighty and magnificent, it all starts with an acorn. It is a seed that drops to the ground, and when the conditions are right, breaks open to begin its life journey.
If an oak represents mightiness, then the acorn represents mighty potential. This is what we are celebrating with the Acorn Fund. We are cultivating this potential so that your child may flourish and grow into stable, strong, and successful adults, enriched by a diverse academic program and rooted in Jesus.
The Acorn Fund asks you to make a donation toward a designated project of the year. The project could be for maintenance and equipment or enhancements in classroom curriculum.
Help us to continue the tradition of excellence in Christian education at PUC Elementary. Make a donation today!